Here's why people are hanging shower curtains in their gardens... and it isn't for outdoor bathing

Trio of images of shower curtains used in gardens
(Image credit: Debbie Cattanach / Susan Melrose / Liz Jowett)

When I first heard of garden shower curtain ideas my initial response was curiosity. What exactly was this trend and why were people hanging shower curtains up in their gardens?

The idea is to use water-repellent, patterned shower curtains, which essentially work as optical illusions, to create a sense of space, add a view, and improve the overall look of an exterior wall or fence.

Steve Jenkins
Steve Jenkins

Steve is Homebuilding & Renovating's DIY content editor, and has been a writer and editor for two decades. He is an avid DIYer with over 20 years of experience in transforming and renovating homes. He specialises in painting and decorating, but has strong all-round building skills, having previously worked in the industry for 10 years.

Teresa Conway
Deputy editor on Homebuilding & Renovating

Teresa was part of a team that launched Easy Gardens in 2018 and worked as the Editor on this magazine. She has extensive experience writing and editing content on gardens and landscaping on brands such as Homes & Gardens, Country Homes & Interiors and Living Etc magazine. She has developed close working relationships with top landscape architects and leading industry experts, and has been exposed to an array of rich content and expertise.

In 2020 Teresa bought her first home. She and her partner worked alongside architects and builders to transform the downstairs area of her two bedroom Victorian house in north London into a usable space for her family. Along the way she learned the stresses, woes and joys of home renovation, and is now looking to her next project, landscaping the back garden.