Solar panels for swimming pools — your options explained

outdoor swimming pool in decked area with roof of nearby building covered in solar panels for pool
(Image credit: ZStock/Getty Images)

Solar panels for swimming pools is a combination that makes sense, especially if you're heating a pool that you mainly use during the summer. With daylight in greater abundance during this time, using renewable energy can help cut the expensive costs of heating the water.

But are solar panels for swimming pools all the same, do they work in a similar way to solar panels for your home and how do you choose which ones to install?

Andy Carr, Guncast, headshot
Andy Carr

Andy has over 30 years of experience in the construction industry which has helped build Guncast into the leading UK luxury swimming pool provider it is today.

man with short brown hair wearing grey v neck jumper and blue shirt stood against a backdrop of red solar tiles
Chris Hall

Chris is Director of TBS Specialist Products, a company supplying the widest range of solar pv options for over 11 years from their base in the Midlands. Chris has worked with solar for over 20 years and is a vast source of information on the subject.

man with light blond hair wearing blue shirt smiling at camera
Duncan Lee

Duncan Lee is the owner and Technical Director at Solar UK as well as LaZer2, the company's in-house solar thermal system.

Sarah Harley
Assistant Editor

Sarah is Homebuilding & Renovating’s Assistant Editor and joined the team in 2024. An established homes and interiors writer, Sarah has renovated and extended a number of properties, including a listing building and renovation project that featured on Grand Designs. Although she said she would never buy a listed property again, she has recently purchased a Grade II listed apartment. As it had already been professionally renovated, she has instead set her sights on tackling some changes to improve the building’s energy efficiency, as well as adding some personal touches to the interior.