How to Find a Self Build Plot in a Rural Area

How to find a self build plot in a rural area
(Image credit: Hawkes Architecture Ltd)

How to find a self build plot in a rural area that will pass planning is all about knowing policy framework. 

The majority of custom and self builders understandably want to build their home in an attractive location, with many looking for a quiet, rural setting. However, as anybody who has tried to find a suitable building plot in England will know, rural self build opportunities are usually few and far between. 

Sally Tagg

Sally is a chartered town planner and an expert in all things planning permission. She has significant expertise, specialist knowledge and substantial experience when providing professional advice for self builders and custom builders seeking to build their own home and those who wish to refurbish and extend their properties.

She is Managing Director of Foxley Tagg Planning Ltd (which she formed in 2000), Executive Committee Member – National Custom & Self Build Association (NaCSBA) and a Board Member of the Right to Build Taskforce. Sally and her team are a regular presence in The Planning Clinic at the Homebuilding & Renovating Show.