How long do solar panels last? Your questions answered

family comprising male, female adults and male and female children stood in field with backs to camera pointing at timber clad house with solar panels on roof
(Image credit: Halfpoint/Getty Images)

As a renewable energy source, solar panels are an increasingly common sight on our homes. Designed to harness the natural power of the sun, they can help reduce energy bills, contribute towards a greener planet and return electricity to the National Grid if you generate more than you use.

But, how long do solar panels last and do they just stop working, or is there more to the ageing process? And do all parts of a solar panel system have similar longevity or will some elements need replacing sooner than others?

man with short dark hair wearing shirt and jumper
Dan Hopcroft

Dan is responsible for the development and sales of EDF’s zero carbon proposition, as well as meeting the company's government obligations on ECO and the Great British Insulation Scheme.

woman with auburn mid length hair smiling at camera
Tamara Birch

Tamara Birch has been writing about environmental topics for over four years, including advising small business owners and homeowners on cost-effective ways, like solar panels and energy-efficient products to help them become more sustainable.

Sarah Harley
Assistant Editor

Sarah is Homebuilding & Renovating’s Assistant Editor and joined the team in 2024. An established homes and interiors writer, Sarah has renovated and extended a number of properties, including a listing building and renovation project that featured on Grand Designs. Although she said she would never buy a listed property again, she has recently purchased a Grade II listed apartment. As it had already been professionally renovated, she has instead set her sights on tackling some changes to improve the building’s energy efficiency, as well as adding some personal touches to the interior.