The homeowners paying to heal their homes of spirits and negative energy
We spoke to two "home healing" experts about how people are turning to a new phenomenon to make their homes feel more comfortable – cleansing a property of its negative energy, including unwanted spirits and ghouls...

Forget the annual Spring clean, there's a new phenomenon growing in popularity among people who feel a sense of unease in their properties – and it's known as "home healing".
Maybe you get a cold chill or sense something isn't quite right when you walk into your property. Perhaps your lights flicker or there's a tap that won't stop dripping even after paying a plumber to fix it. While some may put this down to poor workmanship, an increasing number of homeowners are instead pointing a long and creepy finger at negative energy in the property – and even ghosts.
As a Halloween special, we spoke to two experts in the home healing business to learn more about cleansing your home of any negative energy lurking inside it. Here they talk about geopsychic and geopathic stress, how it manifests in the home and the signs you and your home might be suffering from it.
Don't want to believe your house could potentially be haunted? Think ghosts are a myth? Welcome to this fascinating world where things aren't always what they seem.
Scared to read on? Don't be, it's actually about healing and clearing
While talk of ghosts, ghouls and unhappy spirits may feel uneasy or simply ridiculous to some, it's one of the primary focuses for experts in the field of what is known as home healing or space clearing.
While these experts prefer to be known as energy cleansers rather than ghostbusters, they share a belief that any unexplained negative energy in a home, or unusual goings-on, is something to pay attention to rather than dismissing as nonsense.
Of course, talking about other-worldly presences usually divides people into one of two camps. Either you're a sceptic or you sit somewhere on a sliding scale of believing in the paranormal through to having actually seen a ghost.
It's a division, Emma Loveheart, founder of Into the Light often experiences when she's instructed by new clients. "It's normally women who instruct me," says Emma, "with the husbands either not being aware of the issues, or sceptical to home healing changing anything. And yet, even some of the biggest non-believers will experience change. I'll often be contacted by the wife after I've healed the house and she's over the moon as the husband's just clearing out the garage after putting it off for years. Or he's now saying how good the house feels."
But whether you're currently a believer or not, there are reasons why haunted houses may be more of a reality than you think – and by the way, the experts claim it's not just restricted to older properties, it can even manifest itself in new ones too.
Emma Loveheart experienced her first spiritual awakening in 2011, and retrained to become a spiritual healer, eventually specialising in healing properties and homes by removing negative energy sources
What is geopathic stress?
"In every home there's earth stress, which is what we would call geopathic stress," explains Emma Loveheart. "It's all to do with energy, whether it's ley lines, underground streams of water or rock formations.
"If you think about it, hundreds of years ago, we would decide where to build based on some practical elements, but it would also be where we felt it was a nice place to build a house," says Emma. "Now, if there's an empty space, or a farmer has given up a field for example, we simply pop a housing estate on it with no thought or connection to the location or what may have been there before, or be below ground."
And, although many of us may find the presence of water nearby an attraction, when it flows beneath us this can lead to unrest, says Emma. "Because we are made of 75% water, humans are affected by water energetically. So, if it's carrying negative energy, it might affect your sleep, or ability to rest," she explains.
"But you also get geopathic fault lines as well in the rocks," she adds. "Anything to do with energy, can affect you if you are above it, and although sometimes it can be very subtle, when it's changed to a positive energy, you will really notice the difference."
Geopsychic stress is a little less tangible
When it comes to geopsychic stress, it's less easy to define, but equally as powerful. Often referred to as negative energy, the reassuring news is it's not something you need to fear, according to Robert Davies, co-founder of Healing Flowers.
"Negative energies can come from arguments, disputes, things that happened a long time ago. Also, they can come from earth bound entities and earth bound spirits, colloquially what people would refer to as ghosts.
"But, rather than being the stuff of horror movies, these are simply spirits who haven't found their way into the light. Our work involves a very calm and gentle process to help these spirits move into the light so that they can leave the property.
"In addition, you may also find spirit lines crossing a property," adds Robert. "These might be pathways, for example, that they used when they were alive. A good example would be old religious pathways when the faithful went on a mission from one church to another, so they keep travelling these same lines."
"The most common reasons for geopsychic stress are because someone is still attached to their home, and they've passed over the other side, but they're still coming back in spirit to the home," adds Emma Loveheart, "or the home has been built on something like a workhouse, and the energy of that place is still there, even though the physical thing isn't there anymore."
Additionally, Robert tells us there's a school of thought which believes every property has its own guardian who believes they are acting in the best interest of the property, but if they feel you aren't, there may make this known. Building an extension for example may cause the guardian to make themself known if they feel ignored in the process or perceive the changes to be wrong.
But what exactly are the potential signs of geopathic or geopsychic stresses? Is it about things that go bump in the night, or is that simply the stuff of horror stories and it's something more subtle instead?
Robert Davies, who developed his skills in early retirement, provides space clearing services, sometimes called house healing, to help clients live in a positive and comforting environment. He is also a Bach Flower Practitioner with the goal of helping clients find calm, balance and fulfilment in their lives.
Signs your home may need healing
Emma Loveheart, who has helped to heal over 850 homes, is a big believer in following your instinct when it comes to knowing if your home needs help.
"I think one of the most common things I hear is that when people move into a house, they'll talk about the fact that ever since they've gone to the house, things keep going wrong, and there's absolutely no reason for it.
"We all know things do go wrong, we can't avoid that, but when it get to the point where it just doesn't make sense, that's when you need to open your mind to the fact there could be other forces at play."
Plumbing and electrical problems that can't be fixed by the most skilled tradesman are among the most common symptoms of geopsychic stress says Emma, and even though flickering lights may be the stuff of horror films, it does happen in real life.
Rats are also known to be indicators of underlying stresses, with one of our Homebuilding editorial team sharing a story of a friend who knocked a wall down during a renovation and found it full of rats. In response, Emma shared how she too had experienced similar problems with rats invading her home during a stressful period in her life.
Other symptoms of negative energy at home, Robert Davies tells us, include houses being particularly difficult to clean, unexpected water and damp problems in perfectly sealed walls and even unusual choices of artwork – one of the signs he always looks for when conducting a home healing in person as he feels it can be a purchase that's been guided by something other than personal preference.
And while all this maybe sounds pretty manageable, there are also instances when it can become more physical, warns Emma.
"When things move in the home, this can be more tricky to deal with as it's usually a sign of a spirit that has somehow managed to cross the veil back into the physical world," she explains. "This takes a lot of energy to do this which means they are much stronger and more powerful. It can be harder to persuade them to move on."
What does a home healing involve?
Although home healings were traditionally carried out in person, they are often now done remotely explain our experts, citing how tapping into energy doesn't always mean you need to be in the exact location.
"Historically, the way we would clear geopathic stress would be to go to the property and do things like stick copper rods at certain points in the ground and then leave them there," says Emma Loveheart. "But just in the way that we've evolved, for example, we didn't have internet 50 years ago, so has spirituality evolved.
"Now we can just literally do it with energy, by setting intentions," she explains. "In fact, not going to a property can be a lot easier because I have a dedicated space at home, all my tools to hand and I'm not being influenced by what I'm seeing. Instead, I'm literally tuning into energy so I can work more efficiently."
In most instances, an address is sufficient for a home healer such as Emma to start work, although Robert Davies prefers to ask for a floorplan and sometimes photographs to help him visualise the space. Each expert will be different and it will depend on the work that needs to take place.
"In the case of flats for example," says Emma, "I would ask for a photograph so I can help to see the property in its location to others as sometimes the other properties can affect each other."
In terms of tools, both Emma and Robert use a dowsing technique to help guide them. This usually takes the form of a pendulum, often crystal, which they hold in the air and follow its lead, by noting the direction it moves when they ask questions.
Both also talk about the importance of their ability to protect themselves from the negative energy, suggesting home healing is not a DIY task to undertake without proper guidance. "An expert is always the best starting point," says Robert, "not least of all because of the need for protection, but also because when you do encourage spirits to move on, this leaves a vacuum. You need to know how to fill this so you don't end up in the same situation again."
Once tapped into the different energies and spirits, home healers will communicate to help the spirits move on, and while Emma talks of having lots of stories about the extreme spirits she's encountered, both experts are keen to stress how it's not an experience to be fearful of.
"It's all really about mental visualisation and mental direction," says Robert. "This is all very gentle, and it's not alarming. It's all about clearing the space and putting the client back in charge of their own home."
Are certain types of properties more susceptible than others?
While it's easy to assume that only older properties are affected more by negative energy, it's not always the case. Younger homes and even new self builds can all be subject to external influences, and not just because of the geopathic stress in the land.
"There's also something called place memory," says Robert Davies, "and if you were building a house with a reclaimed material that had come from a hospital for example, there is the potential for that material to still carry negative energy into the new home."
However, there's no denying older properties with a history of more inhabitants are more susceptible to both types of stresses. When asked about places where she'd experienced the worst types of geopsychic stress, Emma Loveheart notes how convents and priories often carry tales of trauma, with church conversions and hospitals also candidates for having negative energy.
It's often the case that cities with lots of housing can also be more problematic shares Emma, telling me how she's dealt with lots of properties in London that have had negative energy that needs clearing.
Although even idyllic farms can bring stories of woe she tells me, citing how one client believed they'd moved into the house of their dreams after purchasing an old farm house, only to find themselves plagued with problems. They eventually discovered it had been owned by a very cruel farmer in the past, and hoards of angry spirits kept visiting in the hope of seeking retribution for his trail of destruction.
Robert also tells me how geopsychic stress involving children can also be hard to deal with, recalling one session where his wife and partner was space clearing, while he protected them. They both had strong feelings of lots of children who hadn't been able to pass over, and he had the message that the property was located close to a plague pit, where victims of the plague had been buried.
However, whether you're renovating a Victorian house, adding a kitchen extension or buying a plot of land, it seems there's a chance anywhere can be affected by negative energy – whether that's through the land of living, or the land of the departed. After all we are only ever custodians of the property and land we live in for a short space of time. Who knows what has come before us and what will proceed us.
How to ensure your home stays healed
If you have problems, decide it's time to call in a home healer and thankfully find yourself rid of the problems that plagued you, what can you do to maintain your new sense of well being?
"There are a few measures I always tell clients to put in place once they feel the issues are resolved," says Emma. "They're very important as if you don't follow up with your own protection, you may find yourself needing to make another phone call for more help."
Of course, even if you don't think you have a problem with negative energy in your home, the following measures will all help to ensure a better flow of energy around your home she says, leading to a more pleasant home life.
- Declutter regularly – In particular make sure your hallway design is well thought out and there's space for storing items. Don't leave it empty, but make sure there is order and space for the energy to flow in and out of your home. The same goes in the bedroom. Piles of books on a bedside table, or shelves above your head are not a good idea
- Learn to say no to donated items – If you don't love it, don't keep it. It means it's not right for you, even if it was given to you by a relative or friend
- Clean regularly – Cleanliness leads to clarity and not having dirt and dust in your home will improve the energy flow and make you feel better
- Fresh air – We often forget the importance of natural ventilation. Reaching for chemical air fresheners is to be avoided, fresh air is always the best option
- Choose eco-friendly cleaning products – Bleach, highly fragranced cleaning products and lots of chemicals should be avoided whenever possible
- Use plants in your home – we feel good when we're in nature, so make sure to bring that inside
- Essential oils – Another tool that can improve the energy of you and your home
- Don't forget the power of music – keen to install a new smart speaker system? Go ahead, music and movement are two great ways of combating negative energy. (Bring on the kitchen disco I say!)
Emma's tips aside, there's also a serious reason for keeping your guard up once the work is done – there's a need to safe-guard against other negative energy finding its way in due to the void left by the cleansing process.
"Flowers, crystals and symbols are all good ways of ensuring the vacuum doesn't become a portal for different negative energy or spirits to find their way into your home," says Robert. "White rose and lotus flowers are good examples, although I'll usually dowse in order to determine which items are best to use and where to place them."
Electro magnetic stress should also be taken into account
Feel your house is less plagued by negativity but still finding issues with energy and problems you can't quite fix? Emma Loveheart notes how it's also important to deal with more modern energy issues caused by electro magnetic stress (EMS).
"EMS is an interesting one," says Emma, "as although instinctively you'd say no if I asked you would you buy a home built next to a sub power station, the fact is there is work we can do to protect the home from the energy. Using mirrors in the right location for example to reflect the energy back out, or working to encapsulate the energy around the power source are all possible."
Could this mean living in locations previously considered unsuitable? Emma thinks yes, making it a possible solution if you don't really want to move but have EMS close by. The principles of feng shui can also help in these situations she notes.
And of course, the fact our homes are all now filled with wi-fi, extra tech, mobiles and more means we need to take steps to remedy the affect this has on us and our home.
When asked what one thing we could all do that's easy? Emma suggests buying a clear quartz crystal and placing it on top of your router. And for the sceptics out there, Emma reminds me how it's already used in watches and phones and other electronics so it isn't as crazy an idea as you might think.
Try these items to help remove negative energy in your home
Still not convinced the symptoms of negative energy at home are anything other than bad luck, mistakes or poor workmanship? That's okay say the experts. Not everyone is a believer, but for those who are, help is available and of all the cases they've dealt with, only one has ever questioned the value of what was achieved.
Although I'm all for practical solutions and sensible choices when it comes to homebuilding and renovating, maybe the idea of having a home healing when you move into a home isn't such a bad idea. A physical deep clean takes place, so why not something that operates on a far deeper level too?
And while building a house may feel like you should be exempt from the process, maybe adding a line for home healing into your budgeting spreadsheet isn't such a bad idea either.
Emma Loveheart confirms that she's often hired by clients during and after a build – particularly if things aren't going to plan.
"In those instances, I will do the clearing work initially of the land and the plot, and then at the end of the project, I'll do an update. This is because while you can do all the work on the land at the start, if you're then digging the land again or disturbing the land, you could be disturbing the ley lines," says Emma.
"These are are positive energy lines that have been laid across around the planet. But when we dig them and disturb them, they switch to negative. Then, they become like portals for negative energies to come through," she explains. But, don't panic, "it's very easy to do to switch them back though," she confirms.
Feeling a bit like you need something more practical to distract you from the thought of having a haunted house? It's ok, we've got you. Check out our guide to embodied carbon – which we promise doesn't involve an entombment of any kind.
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Sarah is Homebuilding & Renovating’s Assistant Editor and joined the team in 2024. An established homes and interiors writer, Sarah has renovated and extended a number of properties, including a listing building and renovation project that featured on Grand Designs. Although she said she would never buy a listed property again, she has recently purchased a Grade II listed apartment. As it had already been professionally renovated, she has instead set her sights on tackling some changes to improve the building’s energy efficiency, as well as adding some personal touches to the interior.