How to get your Feng Shui bedroom layout right

cream and grey tall shaped headboard behind bed with matching brown bedside tables, cream lamps with gold bases and 3 cream and gold plates hung vertically either side of bed
Avoid Feng shui bedroom layout mistakes in order to promote better sleep (Image credit: Andrew Martin)

Whether you're a true believer or slightly sceptical, Feng Shui bedroom layout rules are believed to promote things most of us aspire to – good sleep, a sense of wellbeing and positive relationships.

And while it's easy enough to use colour, layout, furniture and lighting to create a cocoon-like bedroom design that should encourage rest, what if you could improve everything with just a few simple tweaks? After all, the thought of a good night's sleep is something that appeals to us all.

female with blond hair wearing black top smiling at camera
Eve Kruavit

Eve combines Marie Kondo’s transformative approach to tidying and the art of Feng Shui and intentional design to help transform client's homes.

Marlena Kaminska
Marlena Kaminska

Marlena is a dynamic digital designer with a background in interior design. Taking a lead design role at home lighting brand ValueLights, Marlena merges her interior design expertise with her digital design prowess to bring innovation and style to the world of lighting.

Adam Brown
Adam Brown

Adam and his wife Rosy, launched The Painted Furniture Company in 2010 when they decided they wanted to move away from bland furniture and swap more traditional lacquer for paint.

On a whim they asked one of their oak collection suppliers to paint a few pieces, and with that their new company was born.

female with blond hair looking directly at camera
Sarah A McAllister

Sarah is the founder of the Feng Shui Agency, one of the UK’s longest established London Feng Shui consultancies.

Sarah Harley
Assistant Editor

Sarah is Homebuilding & Renovating’s Assistant Editor and joined the team in 2024. An established homes and interiors writer, Sarah has renovated and extended a number of properties, including a listing building and renovation project that featured on Grand Designs. Although she said she would never buy a listed property again, she has recently purchased a Grade II listed apartment. As it had already been professionally renovated, she has instead set her sights on tackling some changes to improve the building’s energy efficiency, as well as adding some personal touches to the interior.