9 things I wish I’d known before buying a listed building

Terrace of medieval cottages in street with different coloured exteriors
(Image credit: Getty Images/Andrew Michaels/Universal Images Group)

I’ve lived in a number of different homes now, but I’ve chosen each for practical reasons – with one exception. The home I chose with my heart rather than my head was a grade II listed cottage in need of renovation.

It still had plenty of the usual benefits of buying a house like a great location, good transport links, and proximity to family but in falling in love with a home I set aside thoughts about the extra complications that arise with a listed property.

Head and shoulders shot of expert Lili Oliver
Lili Oliver

Lili Oliver is the founder of Oliver Roth Property Consultants, an independent buying agent specialising in the search and acquisition of prime residential property across Bristol, Somerset and Gloucestershire. Since 2017, Oliver Roth has been advising private clients on the search and acquisition of their new home from initial consultation through to legal completion.

Head and shoulders shot of expert George Omalianakis
George Omalianakis

George Omalianakis is a chartered architect and RIBA conservation registrant, a specialism in historic buildings and conservation areas. He has a level 3 award in energy efficiency for older and traditional buildings. He set up his practice, GOAStudio London residential architecture, in 2009.

Expert Jamie Jamieson seated in armchair
Jamie Jamieson

Jamie Jamieson owns and runs Jamieson Property Search, sourcing homes for clients over the last 20 years and he has bought over £100m worth of houses over the years, in Norfolk and Suffolk. 

Sarah is a freelance journalist and editor writing for websites, national newspapers, and magazines. She’s spent most of her journalistic career specialising in homes. 

She loves testing the latest home appliances and products, and investigating the benefits, costs and practicalities of home improvement. She is an experienced renovator and is currently remodelling the ground floor of her new home.

She was Executive Editor of Ideal Home and has worked for Your Home and Homes & Ideas. Her work has published by numerous titles, including The Guardian, channel4.com, Houzz, Grand Designs, Homes & Gardens, House Beautiful, Homes & Antiques, Real Homes, The English Home, Period Living, Beautiful Kitchens, Good Homes and Country Homes & Interiors.